Get Ready For Your Montana Adventure

What to Expect

Let us help you prepare for your Bighorn River trip

Gear Up for Success

At River Rock Outfitters, we want to ensure you have the best possible experience on your Bighorn River trip. Whether you’re duck hunting or fly fishing, being properly prepared with the right gear and knowledge is key to a successful outing. This guide covers everything you need to know, from clothing and equipment recommendations to general trip information. Follow these guidelines, and you’ll be all set for an unforgettable adventure in Montana’s great outdoors.

Hunter wades into the water as he prepares to set duck decoys for hunting.

Duck Hunting



General Trip Details

Group of men showing off their successful hunt with three dogs in the boat
Detailed close up view of shotgun.

Guns, Ammo, & Gear

Fly Fishing


Outfitter with client holding up a recently caught trout caught while fly fishing
a photo of gear being set up for a fishing trip

Fishing Equipment

General Trip Details

General Information

Hunting dog bounding through water to retrieve a downed duck.

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